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Take manicure breaks to allow time for regrowth

Nail salon 73012 – DiVa’s Spa & Nails – Manicure near me Edmond, OK : Aftercare is important, especially in beauty, So, let’s talk nail aftercare. What to do after a manicure, whether it be a natural style or a nail enhancement, to keep […]

Nail salon 73012 – DiVa’s Spa & Nails – Manicure near me Edmond, OK : Aftercare is important, especially in beauty, So, let’s talk nail aftercare. What to do after a manicure, whether it be a natural style or a nail enhancement, to keep your nails healthy and polish lasting.

DiVa’S Spa & Nails
Address : 16606 N Western Ave, Edmond, OK 73012, United States

Take manicure breaks to allow time for regrowth.

When you wear gel nails, or any fake nails, you’re wearing a powerful nail enhancing treatment. That mentioned, it’s important to take breaks in between manicures. Nail enhancements weaken nail beds, so taking breaks gives them time to heal.

Sometimes, the best form of care is to do nothing at all. In this scenario, doing nothing is going to lead you to having healthier nails and more sustained manicures. It’s important for fake nails, but all types of manicures fall under this category.

Allow your nails at least one week, every couple of months, so the nail plates can restructure and repair themselves. You’ll also give them time to rehydrate, which is a must for proper gel application. Then, your nails will be prepped for another set.

Always check for nail lifting when you have bare nails.

This is an important aftercare step: Be sure to inspect your nails periodically. After you leave the salon, with any type of manicure, nail lifting can happen. This is a random occurrence, when the nail lifts. They usually resemble a half moon shape at the base of your nail.

I have a nail lifting right now on my thumb. Why this is a cause of concern (and why I’m going to my nail tech ASAP), is because nail lifting can lead to a bacterial infection. If you’re weighing down nails with something like polish, that bacteria will get trapped.

When your nail tech pushes on cuticles during the manicure, they’re ensuring that your nail plates aren’t lifting. So, when you leave the shop and take your polish off, be sure to look out for lifting. If you find that your nails are, a quick visit to your nail tech or refresh of cuticle care should take care of it.

What are UV gel nail paints?

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