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1 0 3000 0 300 120 30 https://creativenailworld.com 960 0

Cilantro Noodle : The ideal destination for the food lover

When you move to a new place, the first thing you look for is something that feels like home. A place where you are welcomed, nourished, and fed.

When you move to a new place, the first thing you look for is something that feels like home. A place where you are welcomed, nourished and fed.

Having made Charlotte home over thirty years ago, we are passionate about bringing healthy food to the Queen City. Cilantro Noodle represents the flavors, fresh ingredients, and a home style recipes of Vietnamese cuisine. Our BYO fresh rolls and Grandma’s Pho are the heart of our menu. And yes, that’s Grandma you see in our kitchen.

Cilantro Noodle

Contact Us

2001 Commonwealth Avenue,
Charlotte, NC 28205704-345-9490

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